Reflections Program
2007 - 2008 Reflections Theme:
"I can make a difference by......"

Each year, the Reflections Program challenges students to create art that supports a specific theme. Themes are selected from thousands of ideas submitted by students to the National PTAs Reflections Program Theme Search. The theme for the 2007-2008 season is  "I can make a difference by...."

A great learning experience
When children express themselves Participating in the Reflections Program is an opportunity for students to explore and learn about various art forms. It does not matter whether an entry created for the Reflections Program has been created as a classroom assignment or independently at home. Artistic exploration and expression enhance and develop intellectual, social, and physical skills. Creating art is a valuable learning process.

The program is designed to enhance rather than replace a quality arts education. It provides opportunities for students to express themselves and to receive positive recognition for National PTAs Reflections their artistic efforts. Parents, teachers, and community members all play a critical role in fostering a positive learning environment for children.

ü Participation

Young artists participate in the Reflections Program through their local PTA or PTSA. A student may submit an entry in any of the six arts areas listed below. Only original works of art are accepted.

ü Arts areas
Literature Photography Dance Coreography
Musical Composition Visual Arts Film/Video Production
Participation in the Reflections Program is organized by school grade. Student works are critiqued against others in the same grade division. This allows recognition and judging of artworks by appropriate developmental age and skill levels.

Each PTSA/PTA Unit site will chose their input deadline based on the Council deadlines.  Check your unit website for your schools input deadline.

ü Grade divisions

  • Primary (preschool-grade 2) or up to age 7
  • Intermediate (grades 3-5) or ages 8 - 10
  • Middle/Junior (grades 6-8) or ages 11 - 13
  • Senior (grades 9-12) or ages 14

The Reflections Program is structured for PTAs to recognize students at the local, council, district, state, and national levels. Entries are first judged at the local level, where selected works, are chosen to represent the PTA at each subsequent level-council, district, or state-depending on each state PTAs structure. Once entries reach the state level, the state PTA may select entries to submit to the National PTA. Awards of Excellence and Awards of Merit are recognized at the annual National PTA Convention and are displayed as a part of the programs traveling exhibit.

ü Council and Fourth District Recognition and Honors

Professionals working individuals in the literature, musical composition, photography, and visual arts fields volunteer to judge student entries at the district level. Awards of Excellence, Merit, and Distinction are selected in each grade division for each of the four arts areas.

Awards will be given at an awards reception that will take place at the opening of a show of the works that make it to the Capistrano Council level and to the Fourth district level, for public viewing.

ü Deadline for Entries

Each Unit determines their deadline for entries.  Check with your school to find out this years deadlines.
2007 Reflections Awards of Excellence entries are due to Capistrano Unified Council PTSA from individual schools in November 2007.  The exact date will be posted in the Fall.

ü General rules

Please remember that:

  • Students may submit entries only through a PTA or PTSA in good standing
  • All entries submitted must be original works and must relate to the annual Reflections Program theme
  • Each entry must be the work of only one student. Assistance from teachers, parents, or friends is not permitted except in special cases (such as for those with visual or physical disabilities)
  • Participation encourages creativity and exploration. Students should do their best, but crooked lines, incorrect musical notes, or misspelled words do not disqualify anyone.
ü General Information and Forms

2007- 2008 Forms will be added when available

       2006 - 2007 California State PTA Information

       2006 - 2007 Official Entry Form

       2006 - 2007 General Rules

If you would like to know more about the arts, arts education, and arts advocacy, the National PTA website is a good source of information at www.pta.org

